I LoVe BloggiNg ^^

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What I Have Learned in Educational Blogging?

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Students of today’s generation are greatly engrossed with the technologies. Utilizing the access to internet connection and the availability of the computers is therefore a profound idea for educational blogging. 

I have learned to make a blog. I have realized that blogging helps us to give some information about something we know.  We could be able to share information gathered from our lessons during our lectures, experiences, insights, ideas or net-surfed knowledge in a creative manner. In addition to that we may practice our artistic side and make some imaginative designs, so that the blog readers would not get bored and be fonned of reading our page.

Educational blogging is done to purposely educate the readers as well as the one who posted it.  Blog readers get the details and make a constructive criticism to give feedbacks so that the writer could improve his/her blogging skills. On the other hand, blog writers have the edge to freely express their ideas through postings and accept comments and suggestions. 

I have also mugged up picking a fascinating web designs for my page to become very attractive which can add impact to all. It is easy to use. And, I believe that blogging has positive effects on the students. Students will be encouraged to generate their viewpoints, be motivated and may perhaps be better in reading and writing.


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While it's impossible to avoid all of the toxins that come with modern life, we still have the  power to create balanced health! Toxicology has to take place!

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“Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.” 
― Kurt Cobain 

In this modern world, it seems that life continues to provide us advances that speed up the pace of everything. Everything has gotten quicker, apart from the fact that our human bodies and the nature need balance. Nonetheless those advances often creates no good in a sense that it can also upset the balance so necessary for our health and this is usually seen in the form of toxic overload.

When we hear something about toxic substances the first thing that comes up in our mind is that it is a potential risk and we are aware that it may possibly harm us. However, we don’t have any idea on the extent of how will it affect our body’s system. 

For quite some time, we already have seen increasing imbalances. The growing rates of cancer, diabetes, fatigue, obesity, heart disease, allergy, infertility, candida, autism and Alzheimer’s disease may be linked to toxic overload in our bodies.

We should know where all these toxins are coming from. First, is the air that we breathe in. Due to smoke belch, tobacco smoking, chemicals expelled from the factories, all around wastes and some, we inhale pollutants freely. Those free radicals destroy our healthy cells. 


Second, is the water. Our body is supposedly be cleansed by drinking a lot of purified water to eliminate toxins through sweats and urine. But, what if the water that we drink is contaminated? Chances are aside from exposing ourselves to contaminants, we may also get various diseases from it.

Food and drugs are next in line. Since we are in the busy world we used to eat processed foods, microwaved, and the one that we buy at fast foods not knowing that those can contain preservatives which are extremely harmful for our health. Sweets are like downright poison. It feeds the candida. In addition to that, we are no longer sure if the fruits or vegetables we eat are safe and organic, some farmers used to spritz chemicals like formalin or other pesticides to preserve the appearance and make it look appetizingly fresh. All drugs have its side effects when not taken at the right dosage, so we should make it a point that what are we going to take must be consulted to a physician. Some drugs must be taken with caution because of the possible adverse reaction.


Stress and negative emotions are also included for it affects the normal functions of the system like having a hormonal imbalance. Being stressed is part of our life. Some people who have not able to cope with pressures or anxieties are more prone to illnesses. They are immuno-compromised because the body’s defense mechanism could not work properly.

It basically means that we are all exposed to toxins. Everything is poisonous it only differs in the dose.  What should we do in order for us to eliminate health hazards in our environment and improve our wellness? Toxicology has to take place. It mainly deals with the nature and effects and treatments of poisons. Treatments may include diets and exercise, daily intake of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help boost our system. 

Watch this Video for more Information ^^ ENJOY!!! 

MaY tHe LoRd BlesS yoU ^^ 


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What do I know about endocrinology?

To start with, endocrinology as we all know, deals with the study of endocrine system. Next to the nervous system, it is said to be the second great controlling system of the body. Since, it is reliable when it comes to regulating people’s mood, growth and development, metabolism, functions of the tissue, sexual functions and processes. The Endocrine system works together with nervous system. It is just that the latter acts faster and makes immediate actions through sending nerve impulses while the former acts through the use of chemical messenger which is the hormone.

In addition to that, it is also concerned with the endocrine disorders. These conditions may perhaps be associated with the secretions of glands, whether it could be insufficient or too excessive, resulting to inability of the hormone to respond effectively.

For instance, the most popular of all the endocrine disorders is diabetes. It results from either insulin deficiency or insulin resistance developing in the body depending on what type of condition the patient is classified into. Furthermore, some patients who has an over secretion of thyroid hormones ended up having hyperthyroidism however some who has under secretion of it experience hypothyroidism

Undoubtedly, you would not be able to recognize any endocrine disorders by just simply observing signs or obtaining complaints of symptoms from the patients. Some might already show marks that could give physicians impressions and that does not ensure final diagnosis.  There are certain tests that have to be done to be able to give the right treatment for the patients.  And that includes in a broad spectrum of dealing with endocrine system.

Here are some Videos about Endocrine System.. ^^ the Introduction and How endrocine system works.. 



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